Dr.Sandeep Shetty : Prosthodontist / Implantologist


Chembur, Mumbai - 400071


Teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Clinic in Chembur, Mumbai

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Teeth stains are inevitable due to our consumption of a variety of foods and drinks (soda, spicy food, coffee, artificial colored food items etc.). However, advanced teeth whitening technology has enabled dentists to whiten teeth without adversely affecting the tooth structure. Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to make the shade of your teeth lighter often by several shades. Teeth whitening is a simple, effective cosmetic dental treatment that we offer to noticeably enhance your smile. Teeth whitening treatments utilize a powerful yet safe whitening gel that is applied to the surface of your teeth. This gel works to lighten the appearance of stains, discoloration, and yellowing on the tooth enamel. few post bleaching restrictions will be instructed by the doctor to be followed for a day.

How long do whitening results last?

The best answer to this question is: it depends. Some people smoke. Some people drink coffee, tea, or red wine every day. Some people drink only an occasional coffee drink. These foods, beverages, and habits will stain your teeth. A good rule of thumb is that if it will stain a white shirt, it will stain your teeth. So, if you never do things that stain your teeth, then your whitening results will last a long time. If you do, the results will more quickly fade over time. The bright side (pun intended!) is that after a teeth whitening procedure, the insides of your teeth will not likely ever return to the dark shade where they began.

How white will my teeth get?

You can expect that your teeth will get on average 3 to 5 shades whiter. If your teeth are already very bright to start with, they may only get a couple of shades lighter as there is a limit to how white natural teeth can get. Until you reach this plateau, the more you whiten, the whiter your teeth will get.

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